While there are many potential causes for cracked heels, dry skin is very likely to be a major contributing factor. With a little TLC, a simple combination of daily moisture and proper footwear should help to quickly alleviate cracked heels and prevent them from recurring.

Daily Moisturizing
- It sounds simple, but the easiest way to fix cracked heels and proactively prevent reoccurrence is to moisturize. We recommend using a hard-working hydrator like our Walker’s Cream twice daily. To maximize efficacy, apply within 5 minutes post shower and again before bed, putting on socks after each application to lock in moisture
Targeted Treatments
- In addition to a good full-foot moisturizer, targeted treatments like our Cracked Heel Repair are specifically designed to repair dry, cracked heels. It smoothes away roughness, eliminates cracks and keeps heels hydrated and protected through a mix of Mango Butter, Shea Butter, Candelilla Wax and Vitamin E
- Although it’s true that exposure to hot water can dry out the skin on our feet, a weekly epsom salt based soak can help soften the skin making it easier to gently remove excessive dead skin and prepping the foot for absorption of a moisturizing cream
- For severe cracked heels, we do recommend gently scrubbing heels after you soak with a loofah or pumice stone to prep the skin before applying the Cracked Heel Repair
Proper Footwear
- Wearing properly fitting shoes and minimizing your time in backless sandals will also help you maintain smooth heels
- Wait until later in the day when buying new shoes, so your feet are at their widest and most swollen state
- Make sure to moisturize at night on the days you’ve worn sandals, flip flops or open-backed high heels